Search Results
Explantation of Infected Aortic Endograft with Suprarenal Fixation (Rahimi, MD, Ramirez Del Val, MD)
How to prevent ureteral injury while explanting an infected aortic graft
EVAR Explantation Maham Rahimi, MD, Manuel Rojo, MD
Syringe recapture of an aortic stentgraft
Thoraco external Iliac Bypass to SFA via Obturator Foramen Rahimi, MD, Ramirez Del Val, MD
juxta renal aortic aneyrsm treated by aorto biliac grafting
After proximal anastomosis in supra renal aorta
Optimal Retractor Placement for Aortic Surgery (John F. Eidt, MD and M. Mujeeb Zubair, MD)
Sequential aortic cross clamping for stentgraft explantation
EVAR stent explantation
Abdominal aorta repair
Explanting Endografts: The Challenge of Late Open Conversion